Covid Chronicles, Day 16

Circuit Breaker – Day 16 Normally I write about my experiences but today I had none, since it was my day off and I stayed at home battling anxiety. So I’ll just write about what I spent last night thinking about. Out of all workers, the 20% of people still commuting to work are theContinue reading “Covid Chronicles, Day 16”

Covid Chronicles, Day 15

Circuit Breaker – Day 15 Two days ago, I shared a post about recognising mental health symptoms experienced by people undergoing this traumatic period. While this coronavirus period has largely resulted in little change in my lifestyle — the sole exception being having to buy groceries — I too have not been immune to theseContinue reading “Covid Chronicles, Day 15”

Covid Chronicles, Day 14

Circuit Breaker – Day 14 I decided to go out at 4.30am to get some bread from the nearby supermarket, and some pork products which Yihong Trading Enterprise doesn’t sell, because it’s a halal-certified establishment. This is the best time to be in the supermarket. Shelves are restocked to how a supermarket normally looks like. The lastContinue reading “Covid Chronicles, Day 14”

Covid Chronicles, Day 12

Circuit Breaker – Day 12 I have decided to get the bulk of the household’s groceries from Yihong Trading Enterprise and have it delivered. That’s what I’ll be using part of my $600 Solidarity Payment for. Daniel Yap’s business had previously been serving the needs of the Bangladeshi population in Singapore. With many migrant workers locked downContinue reading “Covid Chronicles, Day 12”

Covid Chronicles, Day 10

Circuit Breaker – Day 10 Since Circuit Breaker, Singapore’s version of lockdown, started, all non-essential shops have been made to close their doors. Only essential services may remain open. Here where I’ve been temporarily working, entry to playgrounds are forbidden, fountains have stopped functioning, and even many food stalls are also closed. Some shops doContinue reading “Covid Chronicles, Day 10”

Covid Chronicles, Day 8

Circuit Breaker – Day 8 I did something today that I haven’t done in a verrrry long time. I went grocery shopping. In a supermarket. Since our Prime Minister went on television last week to ask seniors to stay at home, my highly at-risk elderly parents with chronic illnesses said to me, “Daniel, since you’reContinue reading “Covid Chronicles, Day 8”